It has been a while since my last post and so much has happened....
My DH and I are expecting our first child in September....if you are shocked and excited, imagine how we are feeling. So let me tell you how wonderful our God is....
If you have read any of my previous posts you now know that DH and I have been dealing with infertility for the last 2+ years. It has been a hard road that the Lord has taken us down and I have learned that God makes me stronger and that I can handle more than I ever thought. Over the course of the last 2 years we have done 6 infertility treatments with the last one being in-vitro fertilization (IVF) which all failed. After the IVF failed in November, DH and I decided it was time for a much needed break; no more doctors, shots, blood draws, ultrasounds...nothing. I felt like a science experiment and needed to regroup before we tried again.
So we talked and both decided to just take a break and focus on DH's upcoming law school graduation and bar exam and we would start another round of treatment in August once we had saved up some more money. I had also decided at that time that I wanted to lose some of the weight that I had put on through this 2 year journey and this was the best time to do it. So I starting exercising 5 days a week and counting my calories and between Novemeber and January I lost about 22 pounds.
So I was feeling great about things and then in January I noticed that my period was about a week late. I didn't think anything of it really because I have PCOS and my cycles were never really that regular so I thought my cycle must be messed up from all the diet and exercise I had been doing. Then another week goes by and now I am worried. Never did I think I might be pregnant, I mean after 2 years and 6 rounds of infertility treatment I must be broken and there is no way that I could get pregnant without medical help, right???
So I start to get worried because I am thinking that all this stress from the infertility must have my cycles complete wacked and my period will never show without having to take medication. I hate taking pills I don't have to, so I decided to wait another week and see if it comes....and another weeks goes by and nothing (at this point I am 3 weeks late). So I know I have to call my OB and tell her and ask for her to prescribe me a pill to bring on my period and I am just dreading having to make this call. I know she won't give me anything without having me check just to make sure I am not I have a cheap pregnancy test in a drawer and decided to take it, I wasn't going to go out and buy a test and waste money. So I take the test and to my shock a second line pops up. Before I believe it, I check to make sure the test isn't expired because I just can't believe this, after everything we have endured. And then I drop to my knees and start to cry....I cried tears of joy to the Lord for the greatest gift He gave me, a miracle that I will be forever thankful for.
So I get on the phone and call Aaron and he tells me he is having a bad day and then I tell him I am pregnant and we are going to have a baby....and then I start to cry. DH is so excited and said that makes a bad day great and he just knew it...then he has to check to make sure the tears I am crying are happy tears. So after taking one more digital test to confirm the pregnancy, I called my OB's office on Monday morning (I took the test on Friday afternoon). The office called me back and everyone was so happy and excited and my doctor just couldn't wait to see me. I told the nurse that I wasn't sure of the exact date of my last period in December and since my cycles are not regular I don't even really know how far along I am, but I thought I could be about 6 - 7 weeks. They scheduled me for my first appointment and said we would do an ultrasound at that time to date the pregnancy...and my appointment was two weeks away....a long two weeks.
The day finally arrived for me to go and see if there is really a baby growing inside of me, I was a nervous wreck. I had to wait 2 hours to see my doctor, but finally the moment arrives and we see the baby on the screen and the heart just beating away.....this is a moment I will never forget. My doctor estimated me to be 8wk 5days based on the date of my last period, but the baby was measuring 3 days ahead at 9wk 1day and was just moving its arms and legs all over the was the best thing ever. My doctor said everything looked great. So now just one last hurdle to cross and we can finally share the news with friends and family....the first trimester screening.
For those that don't know, this was the appointment with my first pregnancy that brought my world crashing down around needless to say this is the scariest appointment. Due to my first pregnancy, my OB wanted me to have the screening done earlier in the 11wk-14wk window, so we scheduled it for when I was 11wk 2days. My mom and DH both went to this appointment with me, since the last time I did this I was all alone and a complete basket case we go to the screening appointment and everything was great, the baby looks beautiful and healthy. We have since heard the heartbeat and things are looking perfect.
God is so good and I can't believe the miracle he has done for DH and I. I may never know why God has taken me down this road, maybe it is so my story can help someone else, but I can say God is faithful and He keeps his promises!!!
I will keep this blog updated with my progress and will probably just do a post after each appointment.
Thanks for reading and sharing in our exciting news!!! Our next appoinment is April 27th to find out what we are having.
Swiss Alps Expedition, Day 2
5 years ago