Sunday, August 30, 2009

Jacob is coming home.......

Friday afternoon, Jacob came off the breathing tubes. It was wonderful to finally see his little face with no tubes. Saturday the IV came out and Jacob was moved from an isolette to an open crib. Jacob was so happy to be in his new home. Mommy and Nana got to give Jacob a bath, which he hated getting....he is just wants to be a stinky boy!!

Jacob did well maintaining his body temperature in his open crib and we started the discharge process Sunday.....Jacob is going home today and we couldn't be more excited. After 10 days in the NICU we are finally going to be home with our son. God is so good and we feel so blessed to have Jacob.

Here are some pictures of Jacob with no tubes!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Jacob is a week old today....

Jacob Aaron arrived at 9:09am on Friday, Aug. 21st. He weighed 5lbs6oz and was 17.5 inches long. We had a rough go at the begining because Jacob's lungs were pretty premature, but he is doing much better. He is still on a little bit of oxygen, but the dose is small and hopefully by tomorrow he will be off the machine. He is feeding like a champ and loves to eat. So far he has no problems getting the suck, swallow and breathing down and he is holding his body temp just fine. We are hoping he will come home sometime next week.

Here are some pictures

Friday, August 21, 2009

Having Jacob today.......

Where do I start, as you can see from the title of my post....yesterday's appointment didn't go very well. Yesterday I went in for my first bi-weekly appointment. My blood pressure was up a little at 141/82, but Jacob did great on the NST so I thought things were going well. My doctor wanted to do an ultrasound to check on my fluid levels. So we start the ultrasound and she measures my fluid and then checks out Jacobs and wiggles my stomach to get him to wake up and give her some movements, which he did. After the ultrasound she did and internal to check my cervix....that was horrible. After she is done she asks me if I had noticed a gush of fluid in the last couple of days. I told her no and she told me that my fluid levels are very very low. She said for whatever reason in the last 3 days my fluid has gone from being very good to being almost nothing. She said Jacob seems to be okay, he looked good on the ultrasound and did fine on the NST so we know he is not in any distress, but she wants to get him out. I about fell off the table when she said, so we are going to do a c-section and have this baby tomorrow. She said at this point, Jacob is better out than in and with my BP issues during this pregnancy she just wanted to get me to 34 - 35 weeks and she is okay with taking him now.

Jacob will probably spend some time in the NICU because his lungs are probably not fully developed, but she said he will be fine. I have been doing a lot of praying and I am very scared, but we don't want to take any chances and we want to do what is best for Jacob. So at 8:30 this morning, we are doing a c-section.

I will update my blog as soon as things settle down.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Brief 35wk update

Well there is not much to post, so my update will be brief. Jacob did great on the NST and is a happy baby. At the ultrasound my fluid levels were great and my cervix is starting to shorten so I guess things are starting to progress. I got to watch Jacob breath on the ultrasound so that was cool. We will have one more ultrasound on 9/11 to check weight and measurements and that it is. I start seeing my doctor twice a week, Mondays and Thursdays. My BP was great and things look wonderful. I will only post updates weekly unless something eventful happens at an appointment.

We have 5 weeks left till Jacob's arrival!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

34wk update - Oh BIG baby!!

Today was my 34 week appointment and we have one big little boy!! Jacob currently weighs in at 5lbs13oz and his head is measuring 2wks ahead (36wks), his legs are measuring right on track at 34wks. He is in the 70th percentile, which is still in the average range, but on the high end of average. We are having weekly growth ultrasounds along with the non-stress test. Jacob did fabulous on the non-stress test. My blood pressure was great 127/72 so the third pill is working.

The ultrasound was fabulous, we got to look at him for a good 30 mins. What was so neat was we got to see the growth plates in his legs and watch the umbilical cord placement and blood flow. Everything is looking wonderful with Jacob and Aaron and I could not have asked for a better appointment today.

My doctor thinks Jacob will stay in the 70th percentile and she still thinks I will be able to have a normal delivery...of course we won’t know for sure till he decides to make his appearance, but she is not worried he is going to be too big. So we are praying that is the case, because I would like to not be cut open.

One week down….6 more to go!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

33 week update.....

Everything went great yesterday; Jacob did fabulous with the stress test and during the ultrasound he liked to wave at me and Nana and show off his goods!! My doctor said he is a good looking baby and everything looks great. My blood pressure is starting to rise, which is to be expected the closer to delivery I get, but we need to get it back down, so my meds have been increased to three times a day and we are hoping this does the trick.

I go back again Monday and we will have an ultrasound to get his measurements and weight estimate and then we will be having another stress test. So we will see next week if Mr. Jacob is still in the 30th percentile or not…..we definitely don’t want him to drop below that!!

My final shower was wonderful, I had 50 ladies at my church shower and I got so many wonderful things. I feel so incredibly blessed to be a part of such a wonderful church family and I could never thank all these ladies enough for sharing this moment with me.

I started on Jacob's laundry last night, 2 loads down and 4 more to go. I plan to be done with everything and have it all put away by this weekend.