Today was my 34 week appointment and we have one big little boy!! Jacob currently weighs in at 5lbs13oz and his head is measuring 2wks ahead (36wks), his legs are measuring right on track at 34wks. He is in the 70th percentile, which is still in the average range, but on the high end of average. We are having weekly growth ultrasounds along with the non-stress test. Jacob did fabulous on the non-stress test. My blood pressure was great 127/72 so the third pill is working.
The ultrasound was fabulous, we got to look at him for a good 30 mins. What was so neat was we got to see the growth plates in his legs and watch the umbilical cord placement and blood flow. Everything is looking wonderful with Jacob and Aaron and I could not have asked for a better appointment today.
My doctor thinks Jacob will stay in the 70th percentile and she still thinks I will be able to have a normal delivery...of course we won’t know for sure till he decides to make his appearance, but she is not worried he is going to be too big. So we are praying that is the case, because I would like to not be cut open.
One week down….6 more to go!!