Jacob turned One on Saturday. We had a great party and here are some pictures.
Jacob has also started walking. We have had some falls, but I am told that is normal. He is really trying to figure this out and hopefully in a few weeks will be a pro.
I have been TTC since 7/06. BFP 8/06 and a loss at 13wks (11/06). Dx with PCOS 3/07. 3 rounds of clomid with TI = BFN 3 rounds of clomid with IUI = BFN IVF #1 = BFN Then suprise BFP Jacob Aaron was born at 9:09am on 8/21/09....at 35wk3d
DH: Dear Husband IF: Infertility CVS: Chorionic villus sampling NT: Nuchal translucency screening RE: Reproductive Endocrinologist IUI: Interuterine Insemination IVF: In-vitro Fertilization dpt: days past transfer 3DT: 3 day transfer 5DT: 5 day transfer U/S: Ultrasound bw: blood work BP: blood pressure OHSS: Ovarian Hyper Stimulation Syndrome PCOS: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome TTC: Trying to Conceive BFN: Big Fat Negative BFP: Big Fat Positive NST: Non-Stress Test