Anyways, these were taken over the weekend and Jacob is starting to sit up on his own and boy do those blue eyes just melt my heart!!!
He went to the doctor Monday for his 6 month check up and shots (ouchie L) and is doing well. He is still little but is gaining weight at a good rate.
His stats were:
Weight – 14.5lbs (2%, same percent as he was at 4 mo)
Heights – 26.5in (35%, up from 17% at 4 mo)
Head Circumference - 17in (58%)
So as the doctor said he is just tall and skinny, but is perfectly healthy and we got the all clear to move to the level 2 foods which means proteins. We tried chicken with him last night and he is not so sure about this…it is a new taste he will have to get use to.