On Friday, August 21, 2009, Jacob was born 4 weeks premature at 35wk3d. If you have followed this blog or if you read my postings from August you will see this was the best and worst day of my life. The best because my son was born and worst because it was too soon. Jacob was only in the NICU for 10 days and I say only because so many premature babies are there for so much longer. Jacob was such a fighter and he spent 5 days hooked up to a ventilator because his lungs were to small to breath on their own. Jacob was 6 days old before I got to hold him for the first time. I remember going in there every day to see him and crying because he was hooked up to so many machines. I would think to myself, does he know I am here, does he know that he isn't fighting in this bed alone, I am fighting with him. I remember how scared I was to be at the hospital alone because I was so scared I would get call from the NICU that Jacob passed away, I always made Aaron call in the morning for the update because I was most worried through the nights.
But Jacob was a fighter and he made it through and if you saw him you would never know he was born early and spent the first days of his life fighting to live. I will never ever be able to thank God enough for taking care of my sweet Jacob.....so today I say thank you to God and to all the nurses and doctors that faught for my little boy.