Wednesday, November 17, 2010

National Prematurity Awareness Day

On Friday, August 21, 2009, Jacob was born 4 weeks premature at 35wk3d. If you have followed this blog or if you read my postings from August you will see this was the best and worst day of my life. The best because my son was born and worst because it was too soon. Jacob was only in the NICU for 10 days and I say only because so many premature babies are there for so much longer. Jacob was such a fighter and he spent 5 days hooked up to a ventilator because his lungs were to small to breath on their own. Jacob was 6 days old before I got to hold him for the first time. I remember going in there every day to see him and crying because he was hooked up to so many machines. I would think to myself, does he know I am here, does he know that he isn't fighting in this bed alone, I am fighting with him. I remember how scared I was to be at the hospital alone because I was so scared I would get call from the NICU that Jacob passed away, I always made Aaron call in the morning for the update because I was most worried through the nights.

But Jacob was a fighter and he made it through and if you saw him you would never know he was born early and spent the first days of his life fighting to live. I will never ever be able to thank God enough for taking care of my sweet today I say thank you to God and to all the nurses and doctors that faught for my little boy.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Here's Woody.......

Jacob was Woody for Halloween. He had so much fun.....I can't believe how fast this year has gone!!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

One Year Photos....Finally

Jacob is doing great and getting so much better with walking.

Here are some photos from our last photo session.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Jacob is One

Jacob turned One on Saturday. We had a great party and here are some pictures.

Jacob has also started walking. We have had some falls, but I am told that is normal. He is really trying to figure this out and hopefully in a few weeks will be a pro.

Here are some party pictures

Thursday, June 17, 2010

10 months

Jacob went to the doctor today and here are his 10 month stats:

Weight - 18lbs 1.75oz - 7th percentile, up from the 2nd percentile at 7 mo
Head - 18.5cm - 58th percetile and same percentile as 7 mo
Height - 30in - 86th percentile, up from the 35th percentile at 7 mo

We took pictures a couple of weeks ago and they came out great. Jacob isn't crawling, but can stand on his own for a few seconds and pulls up on everything. We think he might just skip crawling...oh and no teeth yet.

I love him so very much and can't believe he will be 1 on just a couple of month, where has all the time gone!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

He loves the water!!

Over the weekend, we went to a very close friend's house to swim. Jacob loved every minute of it. Then on Memorial Day we got out the baby pool and played some more. Here are pictures from the weekend. He is getting so big I can't believe it.

Friday, May 14, 2010

A few updates

Jacob is doing so well. He is such a happy little boy all the time. Daycare loves him and even some of the other parents have commented on how much he smiles at anyone who comes in the room.

Jacob is starting to make progress on wanting to crawl. He will start to crawl and then fall forward and then use his legs to scoot on his tummy to get what he wants, then once he gets the toy, he rolls over to his back and is fun to watch. Aaron and I are thinking he might be crawling by June.

Jacob will also stand if he is holding on to something. He doesn't do it very long, he will let go and fall down, but the boy has some strong legs.

We go to the doctor for our 9 month check up and shots in June so I will update his stats after the appointment. We are having his 9 month pictures taken on May 22 and will post them when they are done.

I did attached a couple of cute pictures taken on our first trip to see family in Louisiana. Jacob did so well until the last night.....and lets just say, after mommy drove him up and down the highway at 1am to get him to sleep, then let him sleep on her till 5am when he got up screaming again...we got in the car and drove straight home. I was one very tired mommy!!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Jacob's First Easter

A couple at our church has a huge Easter egg hunt and picnic at their farm every year. Here are some pictures of Jacob on his first Easter and the first time he sat in the grass and saw bluebonnets….he loved the grass and like everything, stuck some in his mouth!! Boys will be boys!!

My grandfather has been in the hospital off and on since Thanksgiving and was there for Easter. We went and say him after the farm and Jacob was so good even after such a long day. All in all his first Easter was great!

Oh and he has rolled over from front to back all on his own the past couple of days and is almost on all fours....we might have a crawler in a month or so.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

6 months old!!!

I can’t believe Jacob will 7 months old Sunday, where does the time go!!!

Anyways, these were taken over the weekend and Jacob is starting to sit up on his own and boy do those blue eyes just melt my heart!!!

He went to the doctor Monday for his 6 month check up and shots (ouchie L) and is doing well. He is still little but is gaining weight at a good rate.

His stats were:

Weight – 14.5lbs (2%, same percent as he was at 4 mo)

Heights – 26.5in (35%, up from 17% at 4 mo)

Head Circumference - 17in (58%)

So as the doctor said he is just tall and skinny, but is perfectly healthy and we got the all clear to move to the level 2 foods which means proteins. We tried chicken with him last night and he is not so sure about this…it is a new taste he will have to get use to.

Monday, January 25, 2010

5 months.....where has the time gone!!

I can't believe Jacob is 5 months old, he is just growing up so much. Here are pictures from this weekend, we went shopping with a good friend of mine and her adorable 10 week old.

Jacob is finally feeling better and has his appetite back, it only took a little over two weeks!!

I know I a biased, but he is just too cute!!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Jacob is sick... :(

Just a brief update...

Jacob is sick, he has a cold, an ear infection and a dry skin rash on his legs and arms. We are taking a ton of medicine in hopes of clearing all this up.

At his 4 month appointment Jacob was 11lbs 6oz (2nd percentile for weight) and his height was 23.5in (17th percentile for height). I don't remember his head circumference, but that was in the 47th percentile. Doctor said he is fine, he has doubled his birth weight by 4 months and that is good. He is just a little guy. Now these percentile comparisons are to other 4 months old full term babies. Our pediatrician isn't doing adjusted age comparisons even though Jacob was a month early.

So he is doing well. And I have lost 2 pounds. Not where I wanted to be by this time, but with the holidays, I didn't eat the best.