Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Holiday Photos

So here are some great photos from our photo session. I know I am biased but Jacob is so stinkin' cute!! Oh and I have lost 11 I am on to goal #2 - 30lbs by April 15, 2010.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

weight loss update....

I don't think I blogged about it, but I am finally getting off all the extra weight and my goal is to reach my ideal goal weight by Jacob's 1st birthday and finally be done trying to lose weight. My first goal was 11 pounds by Dec 13th. As of Sunday 12/6, I have 3.2 pounds to go. I have been working out 5-6 days a week and counting my calories. As of this morning, I have 1 pound left to go...hopefully by Sunday I will have reached my first goal and I will set up goal number 2.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Christmas Reflection

I Believe by Natalie Grant

In a land far away
Time stood still
Long ago
There were shepherds in fields
Or at least this is how
The story goes
The story goes
Woman with child
And a man with no room
Born in a manger
For telling it too
This is how
The story goes
But it is more than a fable
And it’s more than a fairytale
And more than my mind can conceive

I believe
The Wiseman saw
The baby born the angels called the son of God Heaven’s child
The great I am
Born to take away my sins through nailed pierced hands
Emmanuel has come

I believe
Two thousand years
Still the story lives on
God’s gift to us Sent to earth Wrapped in flesh
His only son
His only son
And the heartbeat of heaven
Confounded our wisdom
But it’s still the simple truth
That sets me free

I believe
The Wiseman saw
The baby born that the angels called the son of God Heaven’s child
The great I am Born to take away my sins through nailed pierced hands
Emmanuel has come

And I believe
Precious child How can it be that God’s great plan
For his story Would send you to
The lonely tree
That you would come
For one like me

I believe In a cross
I believe he came For one, he came for all
Heavens child became a plan
Gave his life for me In spite of all I am
I believe
I believe
Oh I believe
Christmas lives in me
I believe

Breath Of Heaven by Amy Grant

I have traveled many moonless nights,
Cold and weary with a babe inside,
And I wonder what I've done.
Holy father you have come,
And chosen me now to carry your son.

I am waiting in a silent prayer.
I am frightened by the load I bear.
In a world as cold as stone,
Must I walk this path alone?
Be with me now.
Be with me now.

Breath of heaven,
Hold me together,
Be forever near me,
Breath of heaven.
Breath of heaven,
Lighten my darkness,
Pour over me your holiness,
For you are holy.
Breath of heaven.

Do you wonder as you watch my face,
If a wiser one should have had my place,
But I offer all I am
For the mercy of your plan.
Help me be strong.
Help me be.
Help me.

Breath of heaven,
Hold me together,
Be forever near me,
Breath of heaven.
Breath of heaven,
Lighten my darkness,
Pour over me your holiness,
For you are holy.

Breath of heaven,
Hold me together,
Be forever near me,
Breath of heaven.
Breath of heaven,
Lighten my darkness,
Pour over me your holiness,
For you are holy.
Breath of heaven.
Breath of heaven.
Breath of heaven

For me, this Christmas and all the Christmases to come, are different for me now that I am a mother. I posted above two of my favorite Christmas songs. Now these are not traditional Christmas carols you hear at the holidays, I have favorites of those as well, but these are songs that go much deeper into the Christmas miracle. I have heard these songs for years during the holiday season on KSBJ, but this year, these songs have a new meaning for me. I read these lyrics and sing these songs with the heart of a mother and they bring me to tears almost every time I hear them.

I will start with I Believe by Natalie Grant….what an amazing song that she wrote. The lyrics at the end are what hits my “mother’s heart” hard every time.

And I believe
Precious child How can it be that God’s great plan
For his story Would send you to
The lonely tree
That you would come
For one like me

I believe In a cross
I believe he came For one, he came for all
Heavens child became a plan
Gave his life for me In spite of all I am
I believe
I believe
Oh I believe
Christmas lives in me
I believe

I can’t imagine how hard it was for God to set this plan in motion….to send his only son to this world to die. And not to just die, but to be hated, screamed at, spit on, beaten up and then nailed to a cross with thorns on his head to be mocked, ridiculed and left to die for someone like me. Someone who at the end of day doesn’t deserve this gift…this gift of mercy, yet God sent his son to this world. To a place full of good and evil, full of missionaries and murders, full of hate and full of love. He does this because he loves each one of us more than his son. Now that is a powerful love. I love my son more than my own life and I know I am not capable of loving another human being more than I love my son and I know I would never be able to let my son die for someone else. I can’t fathom how hard it was for God to create this plan and to follow through with it, even when his own child asked him if there is another way because he didn’t want to do it.

As I reflect on my life, I look at the actions and behaviors over the last 31 years and I am ashamed. Not so much because of what my past holds, but more because I feel like I crushed, trampled and spit on God’s gift to me. Now that I am a mother, I see His gift with new eyes. I want God to know that his gift was not in vain and was not lost on me. I will raise my children to know the sacrifice that was made for them and that they need to cherish their salvation every day. I don’t think I would have ever come to this moment in my life if it wasn’t for the struggles of the last two years and the birth of my son. For me, Jacob is putting my life in perspective and this Christmas season, is making me think hard about Heaven’s Child; that was sent to save not only me but all of us.

Can you imagine how hard it was for God to send his son into the world, knowing he would die in a horrible and painful way, knowing you can’t be there physically to hold and comfort him when things get bad? I want God to know that this baby that was born on Christmas Day was a gift to me that I will not take for granted. I want to live my life every day, being thankful to God for not only my family, but for his Son. That even though I don’t deserve what he did for me, I will cherish it for the rest of my life.

Now for Breath of Heaven, where to start there….hearing that song now that I am a mother, rips my heart out. These lyrics are my favorite:

Do you wonder as you watch my face,
If a wiser one should have had my place,
But I offer all I am
For the mercy of your plan.
Help me be strong.
Help me be.
Help me.

I can only imagine how scared Mary was when the Angel told her she had been choosen by God to carry His son and to be His son’s mother. What an honor that was and how scary that must have been. I would have felt that same way Mary did, are you sure God?? Are you sure you picked the right person?? I don’t know that I can do this, but if this is your plan then I will. I have definitely felt that way in the last couple of years, wondering if you are strong enough to endure what God has put on your plate to handle….and like Mary, in a sense, we are all strong enough…if we weren’t, God wouldn’t have choosen us to endure all that we have.

I am not sure how much of God’s plan for Jesus was revealed to Mary, I believe in my heart, that it wasn’t a lot because it would have been hard for Mary, as a mother, to love and raise Jesus the way God wanted if she knew in the end how and when He would die. Oh Mary, I can’t imagine how hard it was for her to watch her son be beaten, spit on and nailed to a cross. I know she had to have cried out to God and begged him to stop this….I would have. I think about the scared and naïve young girl she was when she had Jesus and the strong woman she was when he died. I don’t know that I would have been able to stay strong; I guess you have to when Jesus asks that of you. When He told her not to cry and to be strong, I guess she found the strength within that God gave her to endure all that she did. I look at my son as he sleeps and I just can’t imagine the pain Mary felt as a mother. I think at that moment I would have wished that God has chosen someone else to be Jesus’ mother, so I wouldn’t have to endure this pain….and then in the next moment, I think I would never trade one moment I have with Jacob for anything. Even thought Jesus’ death was the hardest thing I know Mary endured, she was still Jesus’ mother for all those years. And those memories and that time she had with him….made his death bearable, she would never trade those days for anything. Mary would rather endure Jesus’ death then to have never had him at all.

For me, this Christmas means so much more. Not only did God sacrifice his son for me, but so did Mary. As a mother, you want to protect your children from the world; you hope and pray that they will never know pain. But we also know, that they will hurt, they will be scared and they will make mistakes…but because of this little child that was born on December 25th, in a stable, to a scared young girl, our children will never be alone, God is always with them…and that is the reason for the season, that is the gift, that as a mother, I will always be thankful for.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Jacob is 3 months old!!

I can't believ that Jacob is 3 months old. He is fighting his first cold, but other than that he is doing well.

Here are some pics from this weekend. We weighed him and he is about 11 1/2 pounds and 23 1/2 inches long.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Looking back.....

So I thought I would reminisce today.....this time last year I was coming off of a failed IVF....if you look back in my blog you can read my entry. And here I am a year later with an almost 3 month old son. Never did I think this would be where I would be a year later. I am very blessed. I also thought I would post some wedding it has been an interesting 3.5 years....

Friday, November 6, 2009

First week of daycare.....

Jacob did great his first week. They love him and he never fusses during the day and only gets fussy after 5...which they only see on the days mommy picks him up because I don't get there till 5:45 or so. He has been eating 4 oz bottles like a champ and with very little spit up.

Oh and yesterday we found out Daddy passed the this has been a great week!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

First day back to work....

Since I have posted in a while, I thought I would do a full update...

Jacob has pretty bad acid reflux, but is now doing much better. The last 6 weeks have been rough. He now is on the right meds and formula and the tucker sling we bought for him to sleep on is doing wonders. This weekend was a great weekend and it is like having a all new baby!!!

Here are some 10wks Jacob is 10lbs and 22.5 inches long!!

Here are pictures from Halloween taken during our Fall Festival at church....

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Jacob is coming home.......

Friday afternoon, Jacob came off the breathing tubes. It was wonderful to finally see his little face with no tubes. Saturday the IV came out and Jacob was moved from an isolette to an open crib. Jacob was so happy to be in his new home. Mommy and Nana got to give Jacob a bath, which he hated getting....he is just wants to be a stinky boy!!

Jacob did well maintaining his body temperature in his open crib and we started the discharge process Sunday.....Jacob is going home today and we couldn't be more excited. After 10 days in the NICU we are finally going to be home with our son. God is so good and we feel so blessed to have Jacob.

Here are some pictures of Jacob with no tubes!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Jacob is a week old today....

Jacob Aaron arrived at 9:09am on Friday, Aug. 21st. He weighed 5lbs6oz and was 17.5 inches long. We had a rough go at the begining because Jacob's lungs were pretty premature, but he is doing much better. He is still on a little bit of oxygen, but the dose is small and hopefully by tomorrow he will be off the machine. He is feeding like a champ and loves to eat. So far he has no problems getting the suck, swallow and breathing down and he is holding his body temp just fine. We are hoping he will come home sometime next week.

Here are some pictures

Friday, August 21, 2009

Having Jacob today.......

Where do I start, as you can see from the title of my post....yesterday's appointment didn't go very well. Yesterday I went in for my first bi-weekly appointment. My blood pressure was up a little at 141/82, but Jacob did great on the NST so I thought things were going well. My doctor wanted to do an ultrasound to check on my fluid levels. So we start the ultrasound and she measures my fluid and then checks out Jacobs and wiggles my stomach to get him to wake up and give her some movements, which he did. After the ultrasound she did and internal to check my cervix....that was horrible. After she is done she asks me if I had noticed a gush of fluid in the last couple of days. I told her no and she told me that my fluid levels are very very low. She said for whatever reason in the last 3 days my fluid has gone from being very good to being almost nothing. She said Jacob seems to be okay, he looked good on the ultrasound and did fine on the NST so we know he is not in any distress, but she wants to get him out. I about fell off the table when she said, so we are going to do a c-section and have this baby tomorrow. She said at this point, Jacob is better out than in and with my BP issues during this pregnancy she just wanted to get me to 34 - 35 weeks and she is okay with taking him now.

Jacob will probably spend some time in the NICU because his lungs are probably not fully developed, but she said he will be fine. I have been doing a lot of praying and I am very scared, but we don't want to take any chances and we want to do what is best for Jacob. So at 8:30 this morning, we are doing a c-section.

I will update my blog as soon as things settle down.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Brief 35wk update

Well there is not much to post, so my update will be brief. Jacob did great on the NST and is a happy baby. At the ultrasound my fluid levels were great and my cervix is starting to shorten so I guess things are starting to progress. I got to watch Jacob breath on the ultrasound so that was cool. We will have one more ultrasound on 9/11 to check weight and measurements and that it is. I start seeing my doctor twice a week, Mondays and Thursdays. My BP was great and things look wonderful. I will only post updates weekly unless something eventful happens at an appointment.

We have 5 weeks left till Jacob's arrival!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

34wk update - Oh BIG baby!!

Today was my 34 week appointment and we have one big little boy!! Jacob currently weighs in at 5lbs13oz and his head is measuring 2wks ahead (36wks), his legs are measuring right on track at 34wks. He is in the 70th percentile, which is still in the average range, but on the high end of average. We are having weekly growth ultrasounds along with the non-stress test. Jacob did fabulous on the non-stress test. My blood pressure was great 127/72 so the third pill is working.

The ultrasound was fabulous, we got to look at him for a good 30 mins. What was so neat was we got to see the growth plates in his legs and watch the umbilical cord placement and blood flow. Everything is looking wonderful with Jacob and Aaron and I could not have asked for a better appointment today.

My doctor thinks Jacob will stay in the 70th percentile and she still thinks I will be able to have a normal delivery...of course we won’t know for sure till he decides to make his appearance, but she is not worried he is going to be too big. So we are praying that is the case, because I would like to not be cut open.

One week down….6 more to go!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

33 week update.....

Everything went great yesterday; Jacob did fabulous with the stress test and during the ultrasound he liked to wave at me and Nana and show off his goods!! My doctor said he is a good looking baby and everything looks great. My blood pressure is starting to rise, which is to be expected the closer to delivery I get, but we need to get it back down, so my meds have been increased to three times a day and we are hoping this does the trick.

I go back again Monday and we will have an ultrasound to get his measurements and weight estimate and then we will be having another stress test. So we will see next week if Mr. Jacob is still in the 30th percentile or not…..we definitely don’t want him to drop below that!!

My final shower was wonderful, I had 50 ladies at my church shower and I got so many wonderful things. I feel so incredibly blessed to be a part of such a wonderful church family and I could never thank all these ladies enough for sharing this moment with me.

I started on Jacob's laundry last night, 2 loads down and 4 more to go. I plan to be done with everything and have it all put away by this weekend.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

32wk and now it is really becoming real.......

Well I had my second shower on Saturday and it was so much fun. My bestfriend and cousin hosted the shower and we had 20+ family and friends there. I got so much stuff it took two vehicles to get it all home. I am so blessed to have such wonderful people in my life and I can't wait till Jacob gets here.

Yesterday was my 32wk appointment and now I will start seeing my doctor weekly till I deliver. We are also going to be doing weekly Non-Stress Test (NST) starting Monday. What will happen is I will be hooked up to a monitor for 20-30 minutes and we will watch Jacob's movement and monitor his heart rate during the movements. What they look for is an increase in heart rate during the movements and then a decrease back to normal when he is at rest. I was nervous that we are doing something like this so early, but with my blood pressure (BP) issues during this pregnancy, my doctor is being proactive and we just wants to make sure Jacob is happy in the womb. I will update my blog each week now. Other than that, my BP was a little elevated, but my doctor said that is really my normal and she isn't concerned. Everything else looks great!!! Since my DH can't go next week with me for the NST test my mom is going....I really wanted someone there since I don't know what to expect and anything new makes me nervous. After that DH plans to go to as many as he can.

I have my last baby shower, my church is giving, next Sunday and my birthday is Saturday. So this weekend will be a big weekend and I am so excited!! I will update after my appointment Monday with how the weekend and the appointment went.

Today is the first day of the bar exam for DH and I have been praying all morning for him. I know he is ready to get this week behind him. 2009 has been a fun and exciting year for us and we are looking forward to our new son and DH becoming an attorney!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Jabob's room in progress

Here are some pictures of Jacob's room. We are almost done, we just have to finish the closet doors and hang the drapes. DH plans to complete the closet doors after the bar in August and the drapers were custom order and won't be in for 8 weeks, so mid September the room should be completely done.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

30wk Appoitment update

Everything is wonderful, no change to the due date and Jacob is measuring just fine. He currently weighs 3.3lbs. At the ultrasound they measured the head, femur, saw the 4 chambers of the heart beating (my favorite thing to see), checked the cervix length, confirmed he is still a boy (and he definitely is!) and watched him for a little while moving his arms and turning. Things look great and he is head down!!!

They take a bunch of measurements and then average them out to make sure he is on track. They look for all the measurements to be within a week of your gestation date and she said everything looked right on track. I look to be on track to have a 7-8lb baby. DH said his head was measuring about 2 weeks ahead, but given that the head is always the biggest and the rest of the body is growing to catch up, I am not concerned at all and the doctor said nothing about this. We saw his brain and his head and everything looked good…..he is probably getting ready to go through another growth spurt in the next week or so.

I go back to the doctor on the 27th and then I will be seeing her weekly till I deliver, I can’t believe it is almost here. So as my doctor put it, she loves coming in and seeing me pregnant and for now she is a very happy camper!!! Oh and my blood pressure was awesome, the best yet at 128/74… all in all, yesterday was wonderful!!

On a side note – Jacob’s furniture came in yesterday and his room is looking great. The art work arrives tomorrow and then I will take some pictures. DH still has to work on the closet doors, but that will be after the bar exam. Other than that, the rest is in the details, but after yesterday, I am not worried at all that Jacob will be coming early…..which is great because that means I can stay home with him until January 4th!!!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Shower #1.....

Yesterday was my first baby shower that my office gave me. It was wonderful, I am so blessed to work with such an amazing group of people. My friend made my cake and it was the best cake ever...below is a picture. I love my company and all the wonderful people that I work with.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I passed!!!

On Monday I had my 1 hour glucose test to check for gestational diabetes and I passed. So no diet or finger pricking for me!!! My blood pressure was much better than last time and there is no protein in my urine, so we are staying on the meds and proceeding forward. It looks like Jacob is measuring ahead, so I will be having an ultrasound at my next appointment. I go back on July 13th and I will be 30wks...after that I will be going every two weeks till 36wks and then every week till I deliver. I can't believe he is almost here.

The nursery is coming along, the room is finally cleared out. DH finished putting up the closet organizer and is now working on and painting the new bi-fold doors. After this we just have to paint the bottom 1/2 of the walls navy and put up the chair rail. Then the decorating begins. We have the bedding and have ordered accessories and wall art that should be here mid July along with when the furniture should be in. I am so ready to put it all together. I still have to go and find material and have curtains made, but that is the last thing to do!!

I will post nursery pictures as soon as we get the room done.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Childbirthing class - take one!!

Okay so last night was our first childbirthing class, we have 2 more to go to....and let me say that I am terrified of birth. I am starting to wonder if I can actually do this. We practiced a lot of breathing and massage techniques for when you are in labor, but when the teacher stated that the average amount of time a woman is in labor is 16 hours, I just about died. Then we watched a woman give birth in the video and I just about got the guys get of so easy when it comes to having a child. I know that I have to give birth, Jacob can't stay in forever and at the end of the class we did part of our hospital tour and saw a whole bunch of babies in the I know it will all be okay and so worth it.....but I am still very nervous. I hope it gets better the closer I get.....

Update on me: I went to the doctor on monday and my blood pressure is still high after I walk a short distance...after a minute of sitting it comes back down, but my doctor wants this under control so my meds have been doubled. I go back in a week and a half (9/22) to have my blood pressure checked again and to have my 1 hour glucose test, which I am not looking forward to.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Another thing to worry about.....

So a couple of weeks ago I was put on high blood pressure medication and now I see my doctor every 3 weeks. I am hoping the meds work and I don't get put on bed rest. My appointment is monday afternoon, so we shall see.

We will also be discussing the glucose testing at that time. I am not looking forward to that test and I hope I don't have gestational diabetes.

Well that was my quick update....Jacob seems to be doing great and moves all the time, it is a great feeling.

Monday, May 18, 2009

It's a BOY!!

We are having a healthy baby boy....everything looked great. My doctor is concerned about my blood pressure which has been high, but we are just hoping it is nervousness from being at the doctors. I monitor it at home, so I am suppose to bring in my machine to make sure it isn't off and if it isn't then we can use my readings. If it is off, then we have to use the doctors and she will have to treat my high blood pressure.

We are so excited to be welcoming Jacob Aaron into our lives in September.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Big U/S update

I had by big ultrasound and anatomy scan Monday, but the baby was too small for them to determine the gender or to see the 4 chambers of the heart and kidneys, so I go back on May 18th when I am 22wks. They were able to get all the measurements they needed and all those are normal, so my doctor said everything looks good and not to worry about I am trying not to. The baby has a nice strong heartbeat and she saw the heart and some of the chambers, she just couldn’t get a shot of all 4.

My cervix is great, my amniotic fluid levels are great and my weight is said to keep doing what I am doing. Of course my blood pressure was horrible and usually is when I go in because I am so nervous and since the tech doing the ultrasound didn’t tell me anything and was a little put out that I didn’t have a full bladder I was more nervous when they took my blood pressure, it was like 154/92. But when I got home that night it was back down to 116/72. I monitor my blood pressure every couple of days or so just because I know it is always high at the doctor and it is always great at home, but just once I would like it to be good at the doctor. I think after we are able to see all the organs and such on the 18th, I should be a lot less nervous every time I go in.

So my next update will be on the 18th...say prayers that I will be able to report a healthy baby boy or girl then. But for now, I thank God that the measurements and what they tech was able to see all look good and my doctors are not worried at all. I pray for peace for myself while I wait these 3 long weeks.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Today is a big day!!

I wanted to post a quick update. Things are going good. I still have morning sickness most mornings, but I am handling it okay. Today is the big u/s to find out if we are having a boy or a girl and also to do the anatomy scan to make sure everything measures good and all the organs are there and where they should be. So needless to say I am excited and nervous. My appointment is this afternoon, I don't know how I am going to work today. I will post an update tomorrow....please say prayers for me, DH and our little one that today's appointment would a be a great appointment. I feel like after today I will finally be able to breathe!!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Nervous about Labor.....

Last night I watched the series finale of ER. A woman pregnant with twins came in and after delivering the twins, her uterus came through her cervix and fell out and they had to shove it back in. There was blood everywhere and the lady ended up dying. You know I was never really scared of labor becuase I had been through so much already I knew I could handle delivery.

Watching ER last night has just shown me even more how much of a miracle having a child is, but I wish I didn't have to see all that. Although I am a little scared of labor, I have faith in my God. He gave my DH and I this little miracle and I know he will take care of us. I can't wait till Sept.

As for an update, things are going really well. I am almost 16wks. I go Monday morning for bloodwork to test for spina bifida. This is the last round of testing, I think. We got the first trimester screening results back and our risk for downs, trisomy 18 & 21 are 1:10,000. So that was great news. After Monday, my next regular appointment is on April 27th when we will find out what we are having. I will post my next update then.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I thought it was time for an update.....

It has been a while since my last post and so much has happened....

My DH and I are expecting our first child in September....if you are shocked and excited, imagine how we are feeling. So let me tell you how wonderful our God is....

If you have read any of my previous posts you now know that DH and I have been dealing with infertility for the last 2+ years. It has been a hard road that the Lord has taken us down and I have learned that God makes me stronger and that I can handle more than I ever thought. Over the course of the last 2 years we have done 6 infertility treatments with the last one being in-vitro fertilization (IVF) which all failed. After the IVF failed in November, DH and I decided it was time for a much needed break; no more doctors, shots, blood draws, ultrasounds...nothing. I felt like a science experiment and needed to regroup before we tried again.

So we talked and both decided to just take a break and focus on DH's upcoming law school graduation and bar exam and we would start another round of treatment in August once we had saved up some more money. I had also decided at that time that I wanted to lose some of the weight that I had put on through this 2 year journey and this was the best time to do it. So I starting exercising 5 days a week and counting my calories and between Novemeber and January I lost about 22 pounds.

So I was feeling great about things and then in January I noticed that my period was about a week late. I didn't think anything of it really because I have PCOS and my cycles were never really that regular so I thought my cycle must be messed up from all the diet and exercise I had been doing. Then another week goes by and now I am worried. Never did I think I might be pregnant, I mean after 2 years and 6 rounds of infertility treatment I must be broken and there is no way that I could get pregnant without medical help, right???

So I start to get worried because I am thinking that all this stress from the infertility must have my cycles complete wacked and my period will never show without having to take medication. I hate taking pills I don't have to, so I decided to wait another week and see if it comes....and another weeks goes by and nothing (at this point I am 3 weeks late). So I know I have to call my OB and tell her and ask for her to prescribe me a pill to bring on my period and I am just dreading having to make this call. I know she won't give me anything without having me check just to make sure I am not I have a cheap pregnancy test in a drawer and decided to take it, I wasn't going to go out and buy a test and waste money. So I take the test and to my shock a second line pops up. Before I believe it, I check to make sure the test isn't expired because I just can't believe this, after everything we have endured. And then I drop to my knees and start to cry....I cried tears of joy to the Lord for the greatest gift He gave me, a miracle that I will be forever thankful for.

So I get on the phone and call Aaron and he tells me he is having a bad day and then I tell him I am pregnant and we are going to have a baby....and then I start to cry. DH is so excited and said that makes a bad day great and he just knew it...then he has to check to make sure the tears I am crying are happy tears. So after taking one more digital test to confirm the pregnancy, I called my OB's office on Monday morning (I took the test on Friday afternoon). The office called me back and everyone was so happy and excited and my doctor just couldn't wait to see me. I told the nurse that I wasn't sure of the exact date of my last period in December and since my cycles are not regular I don't even really know how far along I am, but I thought I could be about 6 - 7 weeks. They scheduled me for my first appointment and said we would do an ultrasound at that time to date the pregnancy...and my appointment was two weeks away....a long two weeks.

The day finally arrived for me to go and see if there is really a baby growing inside of me, I was a nervous wreck. I had to wait 2 hours to see my doctor, but finally the moment arrives and we see the baby on the screen and the heart just beating away.....this is a moment I will never forget. My doctor estimated me to be 8wk 5days based on the date of my last period, but the baby was measuring 3 days ahead at 9wk 1day and was just moving its arms and legs all over the was the best thing ever. My doctor said everything looked great. So now just one last hurdle to cross and we can finally share the news with friends and family....the first trimester screening.

For those that don't know, this was the appointment with my first pregnancy that brought my world crashing down around needless to say this is the scariest appointment. Due to my first pregnancy, my OB wanted me to have the screening done earlier in the 11wk-14wk window, so we scheduled it for when I was 11wk 2days. My mom and DH both went to this appointment with me, since the last time I did this I was all alone and a complete basket case we go to the screening appointment and everything was great, the baby looks beautiful and healthy. We have since heard the heartbeat and things are looking perfect.

God is so good and I can't believe the miracle he has done for DH and I. I may never know why God has taken me down this road, maybe it is so my story can help someone else, but I can say God is faithful and He keeps his promises!!!

I will keep this blog updated with my progress and will probably just do a post after each appointment.

Thanks for reading and sharing in our exciting news!!! Our next appoinment is April 27th to find out what we are having.