Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Big U/S update

I had by big ultrasound and anatomy scan Monday, but the baby was too small for them to determine the gender or to see the 4 chambers of the heart and kidneys, so I go back on May 18th when I am 22wks. They were able to get all the measurements they needed and all those are normal, so my doctor said everything looks good and not to worry about I am trying not to. The baby has a nice strong heartbeat and she saw the heart and some of the chambers, she just couldn’t get a shot of all 4.

My cervix is great, my amniotic fluid levels are great and my weight is said to keep doing what I am doing. Of course my blood pressure was horrible and usually is when I go in because I am so nervous and since the tech doing the ultrasound didn’t tell me anything and was a little put out that I didn’t have a full bladder I was more nervous when they took my blood pressure, it was like 154/92. But when I got home that night it was back down to 116/72. I monitor my blood pressure every couple of days or so just because I know it is always high at the doctor and it is always great at home, but just once I would like it to be good at the doctor. I think after we are able to see all the organs and such on the 18th, I should be a lot less nervous every time I go in.

So my next update will be on the 18th...say prayers that I will be able to report a healthy baby boy or girl then. But for now, I thank God that the measurements and what they tech was able to see all look good and my doctors are not worried at all. I pray for peace for myself while I wait these 3 long weeks.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Today is a big day!!

I wanted to post a quick update. Things are going good. I still have morning sickness most mornings, but I am handling it okay. Today is the big u/s to find out if we are having a boy or a girl and also to do the anatomy scan to make sure everything measures good and all the organs are there and where they should be. So needless to say I am excited and nervous. My appointment is this afternoon, I don't know how I am going to work today. I will post an update tomorrow....please say prayers for me, DH and our little one that today's appointment would a be a great appointment. I feel like after today I will finally be able to breathe!!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Nervous about Labor.....

Last night I watched the series finale of ER. A woman pregnant with twins came in and after delivering the twins, her uterus came through her cervix and fell out and they had to shove it back in. There was blood everywhere and the lady ended up dying. You know I was never really scared of labor becuase I had been through so much already I knew I could handle delivery.

Watching ER last night has just shown me even more how much of a miracle having a child is, but I wish I didn't have to see all that. Although I am a little scared of labor, I have faith in my God. He gave my DH and I this little miracle and I know he will take care of us. I can't wait till Sept.

As for an update, things are going really well. I am almost 16wks. I go Monday morning for bloodwork to test for spina bifida. This is the last round of testing, I think. We got the first trimester screening results back and our risk for downs, trisomy 18 & 21 are 1:10,000. So that was great news. After Monday, my next regular appointment is on April 27th when we will find out what we are having. I will post my next update then.