Monday, November 23, 2009

Jacob is 3 months old!!

I can't believ that Jacob is 3 months old. He is fighting his first cold, but other than that he is doing well.

Here are some pics from this weekend. We weighed him and he is about 11 1/2 pounds and 23 1/2 inches long.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Looking back.....

So I thought I would reminisce today.....this time last year I was coming off of a failed IVF....if you look back in my blog you can read my entry. And here I am a year later with an almost 3 month old son. Never did I think this would be where I would be a year later. I am very blessed. I also thought I would post some wedding it has been an interesting 3.5 years....

Friday, November 6, 2009

First week of daycare.....

Jacob did great his first week. They love him and he never fusses during the day and only gets fussy after 5...which they only see on the days mommy picks him up because I don't get there till 5:45 or so. He has been eating 4 oz bottles like a champ and with very little spit up.

Oh and yesterday we found out Daddy passed the this has been a great week!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

First day back to work....

Since I have posted in a while, I thought I would do a full update...

Jacob has pretty bad acid reflux, but is now doing much better. The last 6 weeks have been rough. He now is on the right meds and formula and the tucker sling we bought for him to sleep on is doing wonders. This weekend was a great weekend and it is like having a all new baby!!!

Here are some 10wks Jacob is 10lbs and 22.5 inches long!!

Here are pictures from Halloween taken during our Fall Festival at church....