Todays post will be short as I just don't have it in me to write a lot. I had my baseline u/s and bw this morning. The nurse said my lining was thin and I had no cysts....everything looked great. But the nurse that took my blood hurt me a little and when I got in the car I just cried. I feel like a pen cushin and if anyone didn't know I was doing IVF they would probably think I was a drug addict. I just cried....because physically, emotional and financially this is a lot for me and DH and I just don't know if we will be able to do this again if it doesn't work. But like DH said, this is all out of my contol and is in Gods hands.....we have to trust that. So I am pushing the doubts away.....God has me on this journey and I will trust in him. He has blessed me so much in my life and carried me through some really rough times...has taken me this far. I believe it will work and I am not going to let doubt and worry get me down.....