Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Quality Not Quantity......

That is what I am going to be reminding myself through all of this and to be thankful to God for bringing me this far.....

I had my second follicle check this morning after 5 days of stims and I have 9 follicles, 8 of them are between 12mm-15mm and 1 is at 18mm. The nurse was a little surprised I already had one at 18mm. She told me that if that one keeps growing the way it is, my egg retrieval will probably be Sunday. She said they would know for sure how many mature eggs I have by my E2 numbers that should be in this afternoon. She said things look good and they will know more Friday at my next u/s. I will be adding the menopur shot to the mix tonight so we will see if that does anything. It looks like I will only have to do shots for 2 more nights and then I take my trigger shot.....I will update more on Friday.

While I am disappointed I didn't have more follies, it is about quality and not quantity. I am so thankful to God for the 9 follies we have and I am praying they are all good and strong and we have great fertilization.