Thursday, October 30, 2008

We have three embies inside...

The egg transfer went so much better than the egg retrieval. We had three embies still growing when I got there at 9:30am. They were only 6-celled grade 3 which disappointed me. The RE told me that they looked good and they only check the embies at 9AM and 2PM. She said most REs do afternoon transfers so they can check the embryos once more in the afternoon. She said the cells are just merely a timing thing, that if they waited till this afternoon they could all have been 8 celled. They were graded fair and everyone thought it was best to transfer all three. So now we wait.......and pray that one of these three will be our child. I love them all so much and pray for them every night. Oh Lord please let this journey have a happy ending...please answer my prayers.