I had my first follicle check this morning after 3 days of stimming. So far I have 11 measurable follies which the nurse said was good and right where they wanted me to be. They took my blood as well to check my E2 levels, I will get those this afternoon and those levels will determine if they are going to lower my dose. The nurse said the first u/s is always the hardest to get all the measurable follies because some are seen yet. She told me not to be surprised on Wednesday if they find more. The u/s was great and I am very excited to be coming into the home stretch. I have 7 days left of shots and 4 more blood draws. Today's blood draw was bad. They couldn't find my veins and had to stick me in both arms. I hadn't drunk enough water so my blood didn't flow very well and the whole process took a long time. But I am thankful to God for the good first u/s and to be done with this appointment. Next appointment is Wednesday and I will update my blog later that afternoon.