Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Egg Transfer is tomorrow.......

So the egg retrieval didn't go as well as we had hoped. They aspirated all 17 follicles and only got 5 mature eggs. My doctor had a hard time getting the eggs on my left ovary and had to go through my stomach to get them and I bled a lot. Even though I was under, I could still hear them talking and could feel a lot of what was going on..it was painful. I got sick after the ER and was pretty much out of it all afternoon. Then on Monday we got the fertilization report....3 out of the 5 eggs fertilized normally. I was crushed and cried for a good hour. I know I should be happy that we had 60% fertilization, I guess I just wanted 100%. The nurse said the three embies looked good and I would find out Wednesday morning right before the transfer how may cells they are and what grade they are.....so I will update my blog when I get home tomorrow.

It has been so hard to stay positive,I had such high hopes that this IVF would have gone so much better....but I am not giving up on my 3 embies...they need me to pray for them and stay positive. God picked these 3 embies just for me and I will contine to trust and believe he knows best...even when it is so hard to do.

So this morning, thank you God for chosing these 3 embies just for me!!!